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My Mission

I believe that you, as a singular human being, deserve support that unlocks your unique personal liberation so that we can all live in a loving world.

But, I also believe that we don’t have enough safe, connected spaces to answer these questions for ourselves, let alone process what our changing world means to us or our role in it. My vision is to build a community of people who can move through the hard conversations, take powerful stands, and change the world by living their truth and living with love.

There are a lot of excuses as to why these spaces are hard to find. It takes a lot of time and attention to support folks at an individual level which means that so much of the training, how-to’s, and guidance we experience are targeted AT us rather than FOR us. We take in videos, podcasts, tips, tricks, and slide decks on how we should be on topics from leadership and career growth to fitness and relationships. The workplace in particular has no trouble providing a list of do’s and don’ts and our job is to adopt them quickly and with minimal harm - like changing shirts to meet the needs of the day.

How many times have you heard personal advice such as…

“Focus on culture.”

“Speak up more. Be confident.”

“Think outside the box and be creative.”

“Health is wealth.”

And many times, those messages don’t directly tackle the hard stuff we know is out there: systemic racism; open attacks on trans youth; environmental disasters; homelessness and poverty; depression and mental health. Violations of human rights and our planet. We are more aware of these issues, yet so often we’re left without tools to grapple with them individually - let alone with each other.

In facilitating these particular conversations I hear…

“I don’t want to make a mistake and use the wrong pronouns.”

“I don’t know if I can lead my team in this conversation - I don’t know what I think about it myself.”

“I wish I learned this when I was growing up. I hope now my kids will learn it.”

“Where do I even start to make a difference?”

So many self-help books, podcasts, and corporate training rely on you navigating these issues alone - in the privacy of your own mind (or echo chamber). They often don’t come packaged with a safe space to ask a question or explore your personal experience. Or, potentially even worse, you are thrown into a group dialogue about diversity or inclusion without the psychological safety, tools, or leaders for you to be able to listen to the experiences of others while processing your own learning in real-time. No one wants to be the person that enters a safe space for discussion only to either create additional harm or feel ignorant. Many of us understand what it feels like to be in a room (virtual or real) and feel the anxiety about saying the wrong thing or hearing the unease after the harmful thing is said.

And so each of us is left alone on this journey, unable to find a safe space to either process our own experiences or be curious about the experiences of others. The stakes are high, but nothing changes and we get stuck.

To be clear - we need to center the voices and stories of people affected directly by these experiences and systems of oppression. But, each of us also needs to reckon with the personal learning required to move us forward together through these challenging times. And that process is tough, demanding, and nearly impossible to do alone.

We put a lot of responsibility on YOU to be a good leader, to be anti-racist, to be progressive, to be adaptable, to be creative, to be rational, to find your purpose, to follow your passion, to eat right, to do more, and to be happy. There are hundreds of accepted definitions of where you could be or should be, but where are YOU on your journey right now?

What is YOUR path?

What is YOUR challenge?

Where do YOU need to heal?

What part of YOU yearns to be free?

What makes YOU want to fight like hell?

If you’ve been on a plane, you know the oxygen mask rule: You need to take care of yourself before assisting others.

So, my next mission is to invest in you so that together we can change the world we live in.

I want to be your partner so that you can become your vision of a leader, you can shape your version of activism, and you can liberate your authenticity.

I want to close the gap between the change we want to see and the work required from every one of us to learn, heal, and grow through training and live conversations that meet you where you are.

I want to create more spaces, opportunities, and tools for you to do your work, so you can be free to take action that aligns to your values.

And once you’ve been able to learn, I want you to be able to teach others how to do the same.

I believe that when we create space to cultivate our inner selves, we also expand our ability to find connection, spark courage, and sustain joy. By taking responsibility for and investing in our own path, our world can become beautiful, just, and loving.

Our interdependence is our survival. The world needs you. I need you. So let’s do it together.




©2024 by Jerod Turner

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